Sunday, March 8, 2009

translating 4 little words

Translating English into another language is plain sailing for a professional translator. Using the appropriate style and taking into account the cultural differences you will end up with the right translation. But what happens when the source language is confusing and the English experts cannot agree. This is what happened when the superstore Tesco debated what the sign at the check out should say: “10 items or less” or “Less than 10 items” and any other variation. Tesco decided finally on “up to 10 items” suggested by the Plain English Campaign. I wonder how many other languages would have the text translated as the original one anyway! Not always simple as you may think for just a sign of 4 words

1 comment:

  1. u r absolutely right this is so confusionfull time when we represent any sentence and think that in actual how we should represent this one..............
    Translation and Interpreting Service
